First day of school
Hello guys!
Today, as perhaps for others of you, was the first day of school. I started high school and in fact yesterday I was a little 'shaken ... :) This morning when I woke up it seemed to be in the middle of winter, a perfect time to go to school I thought! I thought as I prepared on vacation you feel happy because we are aware that the school ricomincierà, we know that the light and carefree summer will end soon, and that's why you live with greater intensity. I'm willing to bet that just like to be constantly on vacation, or at least to me is so sicuramante. But we get down to it .... how you're dressed / s for your first day of school? :) I chose an outfit simple and elegant, a little 'clssico the schoolgirl's maybe ... In fact, my father said this morning: it seems Hermione Granger! you know not, the whole witch house and studio of Harry Potter! Well in any case I was put as follows: blue and white striped blouse, V neck sweater with blue, skinny jeans, sneakers and black leather leather nail. Later I'll put pictures of the look ... :)
Oggi, come forse per altri di voi, è stato il primo giorno di scuola. Io ho iniziato il Liceo e infatti ieri ero un po' agitata... :) Stamattina quando mi sono alzata sembrava di essere in pieno inverno, un tempo perfetto per andare a scuola ho pensato! Mentre mi preparavo ho pensato che in vacanza ci si sente felici perché si è consapevoli che la scuola ricomincierà, si sa che la spensieratezza e la leggerezza estiva finiranno presto, e per questo le si vive con maggiore intensità. Io sono pronta a scommetere che a pochi piacerebbe essere costantemente in vacanza, o almeno per me è sicuramante così. Ma arriviamo al dunque.... come vi siete vestite/i per il vostro primo giorno di scuola?? :) Io ho scelto un outfit semplice ed elegante, un po' il clssico da scolaretta forse... infatti mio padre stamattina ha commentato: sembri Hermione Granger! sapete no, la streghetta tutta casa e studio di Harry Potter! Beh in ogni caso la mia mise era la seguente: camicetta a righe bianche e azzurre, maglione con scollo a V blu, skinny jeans, sneakers in pelle nera e chiodo in ecopelle. Più tardi metterò le foto del look... :)
Today, as perhaps for others of you, was the first day of school. I started high school and in fact yesterday I was a little 'shaken ... :) This morning when I woke up it seemed to be in the middle of winter, a perfect time to go to school I thought! I thought as I prepared on vacation you feel happy because we are aware that the school ricomincierà, we know that the light and carefree summer will end soon, and that's why you live with greater intensity. I'm willing to bet that just like to be constantly on vacation, or at least to me is so sicuramante. But we get down to it .... how you're dressed / s for your first day of school? :) I chose an outfit simple and elegant, a little 'clssico the schoolgirl's maybe ... In fact, my father said this morning: it seems Hermione Granger! you know not, the whole witch house and studio of Harry Potter! Well in any case I was put as follows: blue and white striped blouse, V neck sweater with blue, skinny jeans, sneakers and black leather leather nail. Later I'll put pictures of the look ... :)